Maple Leafs superfan hit with cease & desist by the team's beer sponsor

Alexander Cole
November 5, 2024  (6:44 PM)

Today, it was revealed that Toronto Maple Leafs superfan Kurtis from Alberta was hit with a cease and desist.

Firstly, it is important to explain who Kurtis from Alberta is. He is a superfan who has an incredible basement full of Maple Leafs gear. His videos are high energy and he is always drinking a beer in these clips. Fans love his spirit, and he has been a huge part of the Leafs fandom.

Unfortunately, it seems like the team's biggest beer sponsor is going after him. They have told him that if he wants to continue making his videos, he must drink their beer. If he continues to drink other brands, he could be hit with a lawsuit.

This subsequently led to a video from Kurtis from Alberta, who seemed devastated by all of this.

Kurtis From Alberta pleads his case

"My heart & spirit broke today.
Unfortunately I have essentially been forced to shut down my social media or change who I am.

I have loved riding along side of all of you the past 3 years. Thank you for welcoming me into your lives.

This is just another example of big corporations making sure the little people stay little.

This isn't a goodbye but a maybe I'll see you later"

It definitely does suck to see stuff like this and we hope that the Leafs and its partners change course. He is an independent content creator, and he should be allowed to do what he wants.

Do you believe that the team is being too harsh here? Let us know in the poll down below.

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Maple Leafs superfan hit with cease & desist by the team's beer sponsor

Do you believe the Toronto Maple Leafs are doing the wrong thing here?

YES21972.8 %
NO8227.2 %
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